Unlocking the Power of Sorghum: A Sustainable Supergrain for School Meals

 June 20, 2024

Have you ever heard of sorghum? This ancient grain is set to revolutionize the school foodservice world, and for good reason! Join us for June's webinar to discover the nutritional, sustainable, and culinary benefits of sorghum. Learn from experts about its rich history, its growth in the United States, and how this gluten-free, high-fiber, and antioxidant-rich whole grain can enhance school meals. Dive into the world of sorghum and see how it can transform your school food program.

1. Review sorghum's nutrition and health attributes as it applies to K12 school aged children.
2. Explore forms, cooking methods and applications of whole grain sorghum can be used for school foodservice use.
3. Review best practices and examples of introduction of sorghum to staff and students.


Key Area 1000: Nutrition
Key Topic 1100: Menu Planning

Thank you United Sorghum Checkoff Program for supporting this webinar!