Smoothie and Parfait Programs to Drive Participation

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June 23, 2021

Summer is busy but it is also one of the best opportunities to explore new ideas! Join us during National Dairy Month and learn about dairy’s journey from farm to school, the nutritional benefits of dairy in children’s diets & most importantly how to ADD or UPDATE your district’s smoothie and parfait programs. Multiple recipes, batch cooking techniques, marketing tools & more will be shared!

Speakers include Chef Sharon Schaefer the Executive Director of Evolution of the Lunch Lady and Director of Nutrition Services in Gretna Public Schools, NE – as well as Nebraska dairy farmer Mary Temme and registered dietitian & dairy nutrition expert LaChell Miller.


  1. Illustrate dairy’s journey from farm to school.
  2. Describe the benefits of dairy in children’s diets and the important role of school meals in helping children come closer to meeting the dietary recommendations and addressing food and nutrition security.
  3. Utilize recipes, marketing tools and resources provided in the presentation to elevate your school menus and drive participation.

Key Area 1000: Nutrition 
Key Topic 1100: Menu Planning

CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
Activity Number: 164063

Suggested Performance Indicators
13.2.2 Evaluates and incorporates individual and target group needs and requirements in order to develop menu items.
13.2.3 Incorporates principles of food science and preparation in recipe development.
8.1.2 Applies knowledge of food and nutrition as well as the biological, physical and social sciences in practice.

Suggested Learning Need Codes
  • 8110: School foodservice
CPEUs: 1.00
CPE Level: 1
SNA CDR Provider Number: AM007


  • Sharon Schaefer, SNS

    Executive Director/Professional Speaker/ Trainer
    Evolution of the Lunch Lady
    Omaha, Nebraska

  • LaChell Miller, MS RDN CC

    Director, Health & Wellness
    American Dairy Association North East

  • Mary Temme

    Nebraska Dairy Farmer
    Temme Dairy

June 23, 2021
Wed 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 15M

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