The Student Voice: Nut-thing Compares

August 21, 2024
Are you wanting to put your community front and center when elevating your school nutrition programs? Or unsure how to engage students at all levels to increase participation? Some may think this is a hard nut to crack, but the student voice can easily become the foundation of your programs. Join us for this interactive session exploring best practices and strategies to involve teachers, families, and students in your school nutrition programs. Discover the power of peanuts with sustainable nutrition, trendy recipes, and research-based tips for safely adding peanuts to the menu to create an inclusive and creative cafeteria experience. From creating signs to elaborate taste tests, learn from our experienced panel on how to grab the students’ attention while not breaking the bank.

Learning Objectives

1) Discuss the benefits of adding the student voice, community, and other stakeholders into your school meal programs.
2) Explain the role peanuts can play to reach a wide variety of student preferences.
3) Identify at least one strategy to involve stakeholders.

4) Create a plan to involve at least one community stakeholder and/or marketing strategy into your school meal programs.

Earning CEUs

Key Area 1000: Nutrition
Key Topic 1100: Special Diets, Including Food Allergies
Subtopic 1160: Food Allergy

Thank you to NPB for supporting this webinar!