Making USDA Entitlement Work for You

November 2, 2022

Have you ever wondered how the amount of entitlement you receive is determined? Even though the process varies by state, this session will identify how entitlement is calculated and the options available to divert your entitlement. We will hear from school districts who will explain how they make the most efficient use of their USDA Foods options in their districts, and why they choose some options over others when making their annual requests to their state agencies. Learn why it is important to start your planning early to get the best “bang for your buck”. We will also learn how entitlement can be impacted during the school year, which might cause adjustments, from the state agency perspective.

Part of SNA and ACDA's USDA Foods Series.

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Learning Objectives
  1. Identify how entitlement is calculated.
  2. Identify options to divert entitlement.
  3. Examine why it is important to start your planning early.
  4. Discover how entitlement can be impacted during the school year.

Earning CEUs
SNA CEUs: 1.0

Key Area 2000: Operations
Key Topic 2400: Purchasing/Procurement
Sub Topic 2430: USDA Foods/DOD/Diverted Foods

CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
Please note CPEUs are no longer offered due to the age of the course.

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