LEAD™ To Succeed Landing Page

Welcome to LEAD™ To Succeed!

Welcome to School Nutrition Foundation’s LEAD to Succeed™ Initiative. These workforce tools and training modules have been developed specifically for school nutrition professionals seeking to Learn, Educate, Advance, and Develop in the school nutrition field.

LEAD to Succeed™ was made possible through a $2m grant from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food & Nutrition Service, and developed with a team from Georgetown University McDonough School of Business. The initiative address workforce development needs for school nutrition professionals in the areas of Personnel Management and Communication, and Marketing and Customer Service.

Thanks to the USDA grant, these high-caliber professional development tools are open to SNA members and non-members, and will be available at no cost for all.

The training will consist of two series, designed for both virtual and in-person use: 
Series 1: Communication for Impact (4 modules, 12 hours 45 min)
Series 2: Leadership Growth (3 modules, 9 hours)