Supply Chain Assistance Funds from USDA: An Overview for School Meal Program Operators

March 16, 2022

You are invited to attend an overview of the recently announced $1 billion in Supply Chain Assistance (SCA) funds, presented by Child Nutrition Program staff from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. This important and timely new source of financial relief for school meal program operators is intended to help address recent challenges stemming from supply chain disruptions and economic uncertainty. SCA funds may be used for the purchase of domestic, unprocessed and minimally processed food products to the support the service of school meals to children. Please join us on this webinar to learn more about how these funds will be distributed and what it means for your school nutrition program!

This is a free webinar open to SNA members and non-members. If you enjoy the content and would like to benefit from more free high quality school nutrition webinars, join SNA today!

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  1. Gain an understanding of what SCA funds are, why they are being offered, and who is potentially eligible for funds
  2. Learn how SCA funds may be used by school program operators and how expenditures should be documented
  3. Find out where to access additional information, and where to direct further questions

SNA CEUs: 1.0
Key Area 2000: Operations
Key Topic 2400: Purchasing/Procurement

This webinar was not entered for pre-approval with CDR. According to the CDR Professional Development Portfolio Guide, the live webinar is still eligible for CPEU credit, but the On-Demand webinar is not eligible for CPEU credit.

Thank you USDA for partnering with us on this webinar!