School Meal Advocacy in 2022

March 2, 2022

Join experienced school nutrition advocates to discuss the SNA 2022 Position Paper and gain insider tips for advocating on behalf of school meal programs at the 2022 Legislative Action Conference (LAC) and throughout the year! All members are encouraged to participate– especially those attending LAC.

Please note this webinar begins at 2 pm ET!

1.Introduce you to SNA’s legislative team and provide background on how SNA’s policy positions are formed.
2.Review the SNA 2022 Position Paper and accompanying resources.
3.Review the Committees (and leadership) in both Senate and House who make decisions for our programs
4.Share advocacy strategies for your Congressional visits during LAC and beyond.

SNA CEUs: 1.0
Key Area 4100: Communications & Marketing
Key Topic 4120: Program Promotion

This webinar was not entered for pre-approval with CDR. According to the CDR Professional Development Portfolio Guide, the live webinar is still eligible for CPEU credit, but the On-Demand webinar is not eligible for CPEU credit.