Produce in a Pandemic: Providing Children with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables During COVID-19 School Closures

April 23, 2020

All COVID-19 related webinars are available to both members and non-members

Across the country school, nutrition professionals are doing incredible work to ensure children in their communities have access to meals during COVID-19 school closures. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a balanced meal and a required meal pattern component.

This webinar made possible in partnership with School Nutrition Association and United Fresh Produce Association will highlight how several school nutrition programs are sourcing and serving fresh produce, and share how to produce companies are working with school nutrition customers and supply chain partners during this unprecedented time.

Successful completion of the webinar and quiz is awarded 1 SNA CEU.

  1. Illustrate how three different size school districts are maximizing their ability to offer fresh fruit and vegetables during COVID-19 school closures.
  2. Explain the importance of a collaborative working relationship between schools and produce partners.T
  3. Translate what's happening with the produce supply chain during COVID-19 and how this can impact school customers.
SNA CEUs: 1.0
Key Area 3: Administration
Key Topic 3200: Program Management
Sub Topic 3230: Healthy Environment

CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
CPEUs are no longer available due to the age of the course. 

SNA CEUs are awarded after the successful completion of the post-webinar quiz.

PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)