COVID-19 Series: Tips for Effective Communication with Your Community During COVID-19 School Closures

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March 25, 2020

All COVID-19 related webinars are available to both members and non-members.

During these unprecedented times, experts recommend social distancing. However, there has never been a more important time to leverage social media and other communication channels. Consistent, factual and – whenever possible – positive messaging about your program is absolutely critical when school meals are being served during school closures.

Join SNA President Gay Anderson and the “Tips for School Meals that Rock” team of Dayle Hayes and Jeanne Reilly to learn how you can communicate most effectively in this rapidly changing environment. These leaders will discuss how to address the many questions about school meals you are receiving from the community and how to promote the availability of school meals. You will walk away with practical ideas and resources from districts across the country.

Successful completion of the webinar and quiz is awarded 1 SNA CEU or 1 CPEU for RNDs/NDTRs.

SNA CEUs: 1.0
Key Area 3000 & 4000: Administration/ Communications & Marketing

CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
Activity Number: 154611

Suggested Performance Indicators
2.1.2 Identifies barriers to effective communication.
2.1.3 Tailors message to meet the needs of the target audience.
2.1.8 Delivers accurate and credible messaging.

Suggested Learning Need Codes

  • 8110: School foodservice
CPE Level: 1,2
SNA CDR Provider Number: AM007

Please note that you have the option to submit an evaluation on the quality of this conference directly to the Commission of Dietetic Registration. Email contact:
SNA CEUs and CPEUs are awarded after the successful completion of the post webinar quiz.


  • Gay Anderson, SNS

    SNA Past President
    Child Nutrition Director
    Sioux Falls School District
    Sioux Falls SD

  • Dayle Hayes, MS, RD

    Nutrition for the Future, Inc.
    Billings, MT

  • Jeanne Reilly

    Director of School Nutrition 
    RSU 14 Windham / Raymond School District
    Windham, ME

March 25, 2020
Wed 2:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

This live web event has ended.