Adopting Top Food Trends & Managing Allergies at School Breakfast

February 26, 2020

School breakfast is an important part of the success of your program – and students. Learning to harness hot trends like plant-based eating, while managing common food allergens like peanuts can be daunting for menu planners. We believe that with appropriate planning, school nutrition programs can serve peanut foods even if there are individuals with peanut allergies in your schools! Learn how, and receive valuable tools to help with marketing, crediting, and managing allergens.

Speakers include nationally recognized school nutrition expert, Director of the School Nutrition Program in Burke County, GA and Past-President of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Donna Martin - as well as registered dietitian, nutritionist and food allergy expert, Sherry Coleman Collins.

Successful completion of the webinar and quiz is awarded 1 SNA CEU for RNDs/NDTRs.

  1. Explain food trends and opportunities for their inclusion in school breakfast.
  2. Utilize the facts about managing food allergens in their school breakfast programs, whether traditional service, breakfast in the classroom or grab-and-go.
  3. Use tools and resources provided in the presentation to elevate their program through training and menu planning.

SNA CEUs: 1.0
Key Area 1000: Nutrition
Key Topic 1100: Special Diets, Including Food Allergies
Subtopic 1160: Food Allergy

CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
CPEUs are no longer awarded due to the age of the course.

SNA CEUs are awarded after the successful completion of the post webinar quiz.

  • PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)