Best of #NLC19 Tough Talking: Initiating and Managing Difficult Discussions

September 4, 2019
Conversations are important catalysts in establishing a relationship; making a sale; managing conflict; or getting a team moving, back on track, or working together more effectively. This presentation addresses practical skills, phrases, and techniques designed to make even the toughest communication easier. It focuses on starting, continuing, and ending both new relationship and damaged relationship exchanges and provides practical advice on how to talk so people will listen and listen, so people will talk.

Successful completion of the webinar and quiz is awarded 1 SNA CEU, or 1 CPEU for RDs/DTRs.

  1. Identify potentially difficult interactions in advance and utilize covered strategies to navigate them touch conversations.
  2. Recognize potential conflict and proactively respond.
  3. Model powerful communication techniques for others.

SNA CEUs: 1.00
Key Area 3: Administration
Key Topic 3400: Human Resources & Staff Training
Subtopic 3410: Understand & apply human resource management practices.

CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
CPEUs can no longer be credited due to the age of the course. For more information, refer to Section 175 of the Continuing Professional Education Provider Accreditation Program Handbook.

  • PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

SNA CEUs  are awarded after the successful completion of the post-webinar quiz.