Best of #LAC19: Group Purchasing Cooperatives: Should You Buy In?

September 11, 2019

Cooperative purchasing agreements are an efficient method to procure goods and services, but with so many variables it can be hard to know where to begin. As presented at #LAC19, this webinar will provide insight from two different purchasing groups and a state agency perspective, so you can learn if group purchasing is right for you, how it works, and what’s required.

Successful completion of the webinar and quiz is awarded 1 SNA CEU, or 1 CPEU for RDNs/NDTRs.

  1. Describe the cost-saving benefits of group purchasing.
  2. Develop a list of questions to consider before joining a co-op.
  3. Explain how co-ops differ in small and large districts.
SNA CEUs: 1.00
Key Area 2: Operations
Key Topic 2400: Purchasing/Procurement
Subtopic 2450: Cooperative Purchasing Groups

CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
CPEUs can no longer be credited due to the age of the course. For more information, refer to Section 175 of the Continuing Professional Education Provider Accreditation Program Handbook.

SNA CEUs are awarded after the successful completion of the post-webinar

  • PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)